coach Kish M.

Kish M.


☑ Telecommunication

☑ Retail


☑ Coach

☑ Entrepreneurship

☑ Programmer


☑ Hemeema

☑ British Telecom


☑ UK

☑ Sweden

☑ Germany

☑ France


☑ Botswana

☑ Canada



☑ Gujarati

☑ English

☑ Urdu

☑ Hindi


☑ London

Kish is a very seasoned and certified coach. She is a member of the ICF and has attained her PCC status since April 2012. Kish’s specialty is leveraging mindfulness in leadership coaching by using down to earth mindfulness techniques. Her coachees include team leaders, managers, SME business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals. She has accumulated over 1300 coaching hours to date. Kish is coached and supervised on a regular basis in order to keep herself mentally and physically on top form for her coachees.

Before starting her coach journey, Kish has worked 20 years in British Telecom, started as a computer programmer. There she was a pioneer for the concept of working from home as early as 1988 before the advent of personal computers and mobile phones. She achieved great work life balance for both her work and family. Kish knows that through her personal life and its ups and downs, her leadership and mindfulness skills have been a solid foundation to work things out. Vulnerability and resilience are key skills, with which Kish became recognized as a successful mindfulness instructor and coach.

Kish challenges herself continuously with achievements including stand-up comedy, paragliding, and back pack hiking on the Camino pilgrim route.

Kish has been on the UK ICF board as Director of Membership for 4 years. She was educated in computer studies at the University of Portsmouth.

Clients served:

  • United Nations
  • British Telecom
  • BBC
  • NHS
  • O2
  • Network Rail
  • UK Civil Service